my business card.
so, i don't think i will ever be able to completely explain to my mother what i do. i'll be honest, half the time it doesn't even make sense to me.
in any case, i have decided to post about my job in order to shed some light on the subject.
i work with voice over talent/actors who come in and record for trailers, commercials, promos, commentary, ADR - everything really. once they record, i have to work with their agents and managers to make sure they get paid through the unions (SAG/AFTRA). i also take care of some technical stuff but we'll let that part slide.
so anyway --
when the talent actually come into the studio, they record in the booth and are usually directed by a producer via phone. Tony Rodgers is our resident vo guy. If you can't think of where you've heard his voice just turn on TNT and listen to the promos for "the closer" or "saving grace" or most any trailer out -- he's probably the nicest guy in voice over.
this is him doing an unsupervised session which is why we're all giggles. actually, i told him i was only going to take his picture (he's very self conscious about his voice -- go figure) so i had to trick him. you'll see the semi panic in his face when he realizes i'm videoing.
when the talent is not in the booth it means they're usually recording from home. when this happens we "dial them up" via ISDN (an internet connection) and connect them to a producer and sit and listen while the magic happens.
this is Brian Lee on the ISDN w/ jody pretending to be an engineer (this is an actual session so the woman's voice you hear is the producer)
after the recording is done, we send the files to the producers who then cut them into trailers or whatever. and i, i go to my computer and work diligently.
this is what my computer looks like while i'm working (10 points to the first person who can tell me what i'm watching - an additional 10 if you can tell me what guitarist is in the background on my computer - and if you can tell me who i'm IMing you're just plain amazing) -
yes, i actually DO work. the bottom third of my computer screen is reserved for the work. if you look closely you'll see that it's my list of talent payments .. they make big money.
exciting right? i'll post pics of my office later as we are in the middle of being remodeled and i have to pack everything up today because i'm getting new carpet over the weekend!
so that's kind of what i do ...
and finally, i will show you something my company put together one christmas. it's a compilation of some of the talent that come in on a regular basis so you can get an even better idea of the different styles of voice over that we work with. if you listen closely, you'll even hear pooh bear (no, not you ryan, the real one)
You're watching The Office; my eyes probably aren't good enough or I'm not smart enough to figure out the guitarist in question; and all I know is that it's not me you're IMing (but from the racquetball comment I want to say Jody).
Aaron wins the first 10 points .. the guitarist is still up for grabs as is the mystery IMer.
The drummer is none other than Pete Townsend from the Who.
Am I right??????
I would have said Jody was the Imer too.
yes, she meant guitarist.
ok so i guess it's my turn, and considering that the first two question have been answered it is less work for me, but since this has become a group assignment i think that the prizes should be spread equally among the participants ;) the person on the i.m.(and i'm going to use a nic name that was given to him just incase aaron or nicole wants to take first prize to themselves) is "Your Face" :)
ps: the answer is in the name i gave jen's blog. if anyone cares to look.
Yes, I meant guitarist. I'm going on two hours of sleep and dealing with a child recovering from surgery. So sorry for the error.
no fair...i knew the first two but i wasn't here to see the blog post! Linz and I went to Slovakia this weekend.
10 points if you can tell me the capital without looking it up.
(hint: "Ah! A nickel! You see this? I quit. I open my own hotel!")
that's from eurotrip.
that would be ... bratislana ..bratislava ..
ooohhh ..
i'm amazing.
thank you movies for making me so smart!
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