saturday i spent the day at the beach. no pics from that because i was just too lazy to take my camera out. i know mom, "must be rough".
sunday was the cherry on top!
it all started with a bus ride:

that's me and TJ .. notice the blurriness? well, that's a product of two things: first, jody is a horrible photographer and second, we're so excited it's hard to capture it through a lens.
the ride takes us here:

for those of you that can't read or are not in the know .. that says Radiohead.
this night has been anticipated for four months.
and it all started with a girl and dream.
a dream to sleep.
let me take you back ... back four months.
four long months ago i was having a horrible bout of insomnia. at that time i didn't know why i was marked for such a plight. little did i know that those weeks of suffering would ultimately lead to this glorious night. let me explain. on one of the nights that i had yet to sleep i was up and surfing the internet around 4 in the morning. on that night i caught wind of a blog somewhere out there in the land of the interweb that spoke of a presale of radiohead tickets that were to be going on sale at a secret time. i was intrigued for i am a huge radiohead fan as are my friends. i searched deeper and found that it was highly suggested that that EXACT night i was doing my searching they were to go on sale. the excitement built as i desperately looked for the time. then, as if god placed his hand upon mine, i went to the ticket website and they were magically available. i'm not going to lie, it was a struggle. man against machine as i had to use all of my book learning to finagle my browsers to work against the rush that i was up against. thousands upon thousands of people trying to electronically grab the tickets that were to be mine. the battle started at 6 am and at around 620 i looked up from my computer in triumph. i had scored four box seats to radiohead.
box seats being the operative word here, for when you have box seats at the hollywood bowl you get to sit with such people as:

heather graham (that's my foot at the bottom of the screen)
the current love of my life

john krasinski though you might know him as jim halpert on NBC's the office (that's my head)
they were sitting in the boxes in front of us. not together though.
this was our box:

that's me, jody and tj.
it was lovely. we had four individual chairs in our own box. we even had tables for the picnic style food we had brought.
the fourth seat was for my other friend Sam

he kinda looks like jon stewart. don't be fooled by his expression. he still can't believe that we got box seats. the last time we saw radiohead we had to drive down to san diego and stand way in the back.
i realize these pictures aren't that clear. that's because we decided to follow the rules and not bring our cameras in. these were all taken with jody's iphone.
in any case, the show was amazing

and THAT aaron, is how you spend the perfect evening.
Oh, Jennifer. You silly California girl. I read up on this so-called "perfect" evening of yours and find one fatal flaw. You may have had Heather Graham and John Krasinski (who were both rude enough not to speak to you), but you didn't have Aaron Peck. Perfect? I think not.
heyy im not a stalker ; this just popped up on my google alerts because you mentioned John Krasinski. This is weird of me to ask - but did you notice if the woman John was with was his girlfriend?
wow. though you claim to not be a stalker your question does kind of allude to the fact that you might, in fact, be one.
but just so you know ..
no, he was walking past those ladies to get back to his seat.
Holy cow, John Krasinski! Love love love him! I have a friend who just taped a scene on the Office. He was on the set but not in the scene. One of my favorite shows!
So, did you really try to speak to him and he ignored you?
did john ignore me?
of course not!
we had a wonderful conversation about crustaceans. see, i had just recently gotten back from a trip to maine where i had lobster for the first time (please see 2 posts ago) and john had this incredibly funny story about this tap dancing lobster that went into a pawn shop and asked for a sawed off shot gun ...
ok fine, no we didn't speak. i just snapped the picture from afar.
Ok, here's another John question. Was he alone or with a date and if so, was it anyone we would recognize?
Do you like how we're more interested in John than the actual concert? lol!
wow. i had no idea that blogging about this would cause such a stir!!
see how radiohead binds us all?
i'm pretty sure he was with a group of friends. there were a lot of dudes around.
and just so you know, i am now changing the name of my blog to the john krasinski chronicles.
Thank you for being such a good sport! And answering all our questions about John.
Obviously John is the current love of a lot of lives and stalked by many, many people. lol!
This is the girl that was with John, and we ARE dating. I was with him pretty much the whole show. I would just like to let everyone know that John does not like it when people say they "love him" because he doesn't love anything.
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