so my roommate and i were trying to come up with the cheapest weekend ever. we spent saturday looking at potential new apartments because we want to move to a place with a pool. nothing caught our eye on saturday. pretty much everything is ridiculously overpriced. anyway, saturday was spent driving around looking at apartments intertwined with watching movies we've already seen. except mr. woodcock. we did watch mr. woodcock which is exceptionally horrible. you know, the kind of horrible that when it comes on again i'll probably have to watch it again BECAUSE it's so horrible. anybody else like that? i tend to do that with bad movies. for instance, "from justin to kelly", when that gem kept coming on HBO years ago i think i watched it every single time. deliciously horrible.
but i digress.
so sunday we only had one apartment appointment and it was down the street so we decided to ride our bikes. we both have convertibles so we both bought fold up bikes because we can't fit bike racks on our car. what does this mean? this means we look amazingly cool on our tiny little bikes. this is my bike:

and this is what it looks like when it's folded:

amazing really. it fits nicely into the back seat of my bug and i can take it anywhere!
again, i digress.
so after viewing the apartment (big old no to that one too). we went for a jolly old ride down the bike path.

we had the best ride!

look at our smiling faces!
16.5 miles later .....

crash and burn.
yeah, 16.5 miles.
needless to say, my bum is a tad sore today.
I was wondering when you were going to update. I need to know you're still alive and well!!! However, after that bike ride, you may be a little less than well!
Love you!
pfff, 16.5 miles. Linz and I did a bike trip a few weekends ago that was around 30 miles...UP A FRIGGIN' MOUNTAIN!!
and on Sunday i'm doing a bike ride with a bud of mine that will be around 40 miles.
course...the first trip almost killed us. so i'm curious how this next one will turn out.
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