yes, donuts. i don't know how many of you know this but my sister loves donuts. and when i say love i don't mean how some of you love your parents, or love your significant others or even how you love your prada backpacks, i'm talking about the real thing here.
let me explain.
she visited me in CA a couple of years ago and i took her to burbank, ca. now, burbank is an awesome little appendage of los angeles. it's the home of warner bros studios, disney studios and for you older folk i believe some guy named johnny carson used to refer to "beautiful downtown burbank" on the tonight show (don't have a fit, of course i know who johnny is). so you can see there are many many things one can see in burbank. oh yes, and there is also a krispy kreme. at this particular krispy kreme they make the original glazed donut so when you walk in they're coming right off the line and you can eat one freshly made. quite delicious right off the line.
anyway, i took my sister to this krispy kreme so she could try one of these freshly made donuts. she loved it! how much you ask? well, i do believe in the week's time she was here we had to go back to that krispy kreme like three times. and she bought my friends and i donuts every time. i don't think i went back to that krispy kreme for at least a year after her visit because i had OD'ed on them.
she loves them so much that if you plan on visiting me or CA ever and ask my sister what's the one thing you should do while you're out here, she will tell you "go to krispy kreme in burbank!". think i'm kidding?
read the comments nicole posted (hers is the second comment, mine is the first) on aaron's blog here
now that you have an idea of her love for donuts this next story will make much more sense.
so i just got a new apartment and they allow me to have dogs. or at least i'm hoping they will allow me to have the dog i want. i want chloe. now, some of you know chloe as my sister's dog. she's a miniature dachshund and i love her. my new landlord, however, wanted to "interview" her before allowing her to live with me but unfortunately, chloe lives in NC. so in lieu of the formal interview, he wants to see a picture of her. i was told by the manager of the building that it's pretty much just so he can make sure she's not huge. upon this info, i asked nicole if she'd take a picture of chloe but put something in the picture so the landlord could have a reference to her size. i wanted her to look small.
this is what my sister came up with:

yup, that's a krispy kreme box.
so, i chatted with nicole today about this lovely picture and chloe's size. i'm going to post a little bit of that conversation for you to enjoy -- the yellow bubbles are me and the blue bubbles are her (if you click on it you can read it):

yeah, apparently my new dog is about five donuts long and maybe 2 donuts wide.
now THAT is love.