Sunday, September 7, 2008

move along

i hate moving. i hate it so much .. flames. Flames, on the side of my face, breathing-breathl- heaving breaths. Heaving breath... (anyone? ryan?)

but here's an interesting fact. i have moved every year since 1996.

that's a lot of moving.

so guess what i did this weekend?

yup. i moved. or at least started the process.

thanks to tj and dave who sacrificed one of their saturdays to help eric and i haul our stuff up and down a lot of steps.

this is just one of our loads.

and there's a glimpse of the new digs. that's dave. this is what it looks like when a real man helps you move.

and this is what it looks like when tj helps you move.

it's not done yet. i have much, much more to do before i fly out to meet nicole et al at disney world on saturday.

and even more to be done before i fly home to gather queen battle.


Get With The FLO said...

I'm very impressed with your new digs. One day if you decide to stay for a while, you may get some visitors from the girls. I'm sure you will quite excited.

Cherilyn said...

Your new place look so cute. Stay a while!

Ryan Hamilton said...

i've been in rome and amalfi for the past week....or else i would have answered sooner.

the movie you are referring to is "Clue."